Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Assignment #3 High Key/Low Key

High Key 1

High Key 2

Low Key 1

Low Key 2

The following two images are what my camera said were the "correct exposures"....

I learned a lot about shutter speeds with this assignment- which is really helpful since that is something I previously struggled with on the first couple assignments :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Assignment #1- Scavenger hunt

Original photo #1

Original Photo #2

Original Photo #3

Lightroom Processed #1 - I adjusted the exposure to be a little truer to how the light had really looked in the room at the time I took the photo.

Lightroom Processed #2- Again adjusted exposure slightly- played with adjusting the blacks and shadows to see if I could get more contrast but I didn't really notice too much of a difference since there isn't a ton of shadow gradation.

Lightroom Processed #3- The lighting in the room was from a soft overhead lamp- the only light source in the room. I lightened the exposure slightly so that it better reflected the softness of the real lighting. I also emphasized the highlights a little more to bring focus to the glassy knob surfaces.

Ugly Lightroom Processed #1

Ugly Lightroom Processed #2

Ugly Lightroom Processed #3

Its funny how as I was processing the photos for the first time in Lightroom I didn't really see the difference as I was adjusting the sliders to alter the exposure, blacks, highlights etc. It wasn't until I actually typed the values in for each number- gradually going up the scale and then going down- that I began to see the subtle differences in how the adjustments enhanced the photos. There was a point as I was editing the Jeepster photo that I said to myself- "oh yes! Thats the "sweet spot" for the exposure!" It made me happy to realize it- even though it was a relatively small change from the last number. I learned that you can definitely screw up a photo really quick if you don't go back through the "work flow" process and double check the adjustments you've made from the 1st round of editing. While I was playing with making the photos "ugly" I really noticed that. The temp and tint sliders can really mess up the photos when you play with them too much too- hence the odd color tones in the "ugly" processed photos. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to my blog! I'm excited to share my ideas and creative view of the world with the world! I'm super new to blogging so bear with me while I figure things out... 
Thought of the day:
Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too!