Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Project- "LOOK"











This project is a family portrait series. I really love my family- they are the most important people in the entire universe to me. I went through several ideas of how I wanted to photograph them and finally came to the conclusion that I wanted to capture them in a "LOOK" that portrays a unique part of who they are. The focus isn't necessarily about the actual look they're giving the camera, but the "look" of the situation that helps tell the story of each family member.  Because I also love the different quirks, hobbies and personality traits of my family I wanted to capture these moments to create a unique "family album" of sorts that we can enjoy and reflect on together.
#familylove #maybecheesybutitstrue #dontknowwhythehashtags....


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cemetery Fun....Happy Halloween!!

A falling ghost...

With this one I experimented with focusing in and out while the camera was taking the shot... created an interesting effect...

Take a seat and rest a while....

Creepy ghostly shadow behind the statue...

This one is the creepiest of all...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Black and White Portraits

Someone I know- my sister Stephanie...

Someone I didn't know- Taylor Church....

I liked doing these black and white portraits because I felt that getting the right lighting became key. I also like how the black and white photos make you really focus on the person and not get distracted by the colors in the photograph.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Portraits assignment- color

Sarah- I just met her about 7 min before I took this picture...

Michael- I told him to think of our first kiss- then I took this pic :)

Me- Self portrait- I've always wanted to be from India....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Assignment #4 Color Theory

Analogous flowers....

Complimentary- making apple pie!!

Monochromatic- sea glass and rocks from Haiti

This doesn't really count- but I had to post it because I walked out to my car after class one day and found this complimentary goodness and snapped a shot!

I really liked this project- I love color so it was fun for me to search for different colors to photograph :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Assignment #3 High Key/Low Key

High Key 1

High Key 2

Low Key 1

Low Key 2

The following two images are what my camera said were the "correct exposures"....

I learned a lot about shutter speeds with this assignment- which is really helpful since that is something I previously struggled with on the first couple assignments :)